which nims management includes developing and issuing assignments

 In the context of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), the management characteristic that includes developing and issuing assignments is known as Management by Objectives (MBO).

Management by Objectives involves setting clear and specific objectives for incident response and then developing assignments, plans, and procedures to achieve those objectives. This management characteristic emphasizes the importance of clearly defining roles and responsibilities, developing action plans, and establishing procedures to guide responders in their tasks during an incident.

Under Management by Objectives, the Incident Action Plan (IAP) is a key tool used to outline the objectives, strategies, and tactics for managing the incident. Assignments are developed and issued based on this plan, ensuring a coordinated and effective response from all involved agencies and personnel.

It's important to note that NIMS is a comprehensive framework for incident management, and its principles are applied to various aspects of emergency response, including planning, communication, coordination, and resource management. Management by Objectives is just one of the characteristics that contribute to the overall effectiveness of the NIMS framework.


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